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Dr Ionas Miliatos
private eye consultant & ophthalmologist

   Dr Ionas Miliatos is an ophthalmic surgeon and specializes in macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataract surgery.

   He graduated in 1997 from the Lyceum of Kykkos Paphos and was admitted to the Medical School of Patras, Greece. After completing his military service in the Armed Forces as a reserve artillery officer, he continued with his medical studies where he graduated in 2005 with great honors.

   In 2006 he moved to Sweden to specialize in Ophthalmology at the University Ophthalmology Department in Gothenburg and the Uddevalla Ophthalmology Clinic (2007-2012) which is one of the largest in the country. In the Swedish national specialty exams he passed successfully where he excelled with honors.  

   He continued his career mainly in the clinic of Uddevalla where he specialized in cataract surgery, with over 2500 thousand surgeries to date (December 2020) and macular degeneration treatments. At the same time he worked as an external consultant in various hospitals and private clinics in the country.  

  Since 2013 he has been the director of the department of general ophthalmology and the department of emergency ophthalmology unit as well as the administrative deputy director of the clinic where he worked untill he moved to Cyprus . 

Βιογραφικο: Om


Epiretinal membrane surgery evaluated by subjective outcome: To examine pre- and postoperative visual interference, subjective symptoms and visual acuity in patients undergoing epiretinal membrane (ERM) surgery. 2016 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.


24th EURETINA Cngress, Barcelona 2024

13th Annual Congress of the Cyprus Ophthalmology Society, Limassol 2023

37th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Ontraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery , Athens 2023

EURETINA virtual congress 2020
ESCRS Paris 2019
Congress of the European Strabismological Association, Helsinki 2019
EPOS, Oxford 2018
Euretina, Vienna 2018
European Society of Ophthalmology congress, Barcelona 2017
7th Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy), Warsaw 2016
American Academy of Ophthalmology congress, Las Vegas 2015
5th Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy), Lisbon 2014
American Academy of Ophthalmology congress, New Orleans 2013

Βιογραφικο: Publications


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